US Shifts to Helping Kurds in Syria – Posted 2015-10-10 06:04 GMT

LONDON (CBS) — U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter says the America’s failed program to train Syrian rebels will be replaced with a more ‘strategic approach.’ The overhaul will focus on training Kurdish forces who have a proven track record fighting on the front lines.

“The work we’ve done with the Kurds in northern Syria is an example of an effective approach,” Carter said. The U.S.’ earlier approach was largely ineffective. The $500 million program produced fewer than 100 soldiers, many who fled, were captured or killed. Some even turned over their U.S.-provided weapons to al-Qaida fighters in Syria. Carter also pushed back harder on Russia’s ongoing airstrikes against opponents of President Bashar Assad, urging Moscow to stop strengthening the Syrian government. “Instead Russia can use its significant influence in Syria to bring about political transition from (President Bashar) Assad, which we all know is the real solution,” Carter said. Russia insists its air campaign in Syria is aimed at ISIS militants. But Carter says the U.S. sees through Russia’s facade and won’t cooperate unless Moscow changes its strategy. U.S. officials say some of Russia’s cruise missiles are malfunctioning. Four rockets aimed at Syria reportedly crashed in Iran this week.