MESOP NEWS Iran Daily: Tehran Shakes Fist at US Over Persian Gulf


March 26 – By Scott Lucas – eaworldview – 08:09 2017  – Iran’s military has issued one of its regular warnings to the US about operations in the Persian Gulf. The deputy head of Iran’s armed forces, Brigadier General Massoud Jazayeri, responded on Saturday to US complaints of the “unprofessional behavior” of Iranian units harassing American naval vessels in the Gulf: The US must more than ever monitor and control the conduct of its warships in the Persian Gulf.

We stress that the Americans are to blame for any disturbance in the Persian Gulf and for this reason we once again warn that the US forces must alter their attitude.

He insisted, “Reports released by American sources about unprofessional behavior by Iranian vessels are devoid of any truth….[They are] based on false information or pursue ulterior motives.”

The US military has issued several statements in recent months about “buzzing” of its ships by Iranian aircraft and menacing approaches by Tehran’s naval craft. On Tuesday, it said the aircraft carrier George H.W. Bush was “harassed” and “threatened” by more than 20 small Iranian vessels while passing through the Strait of Hormuz on Tuesday.

A Revolutionary Guards commander justified the behavior earlier in the month, after a US ship and three British vessels changed course when confronted by several Iranian fast-attack boats.Mehdi Hashemi, the commander of the Zolfaqar Flotilla, insisted that the US and British force was “unprofessionally” close to the Iranian navy near the Islamic Republic’s territorial waters.