MESOP : MERAN KAY’S PHOTO: Kak John & Kak Mesud


"Kak Masoud.... I have to say, Airport taxi was nice, but I was expecting a greeting of 100's of up armored Land Cruisers...."...... Yeah..... "Kak John, we were expecting full U.S. support for Independence".... "Life is like a box of Chocolates.... you never know what you're gonna get"

well written Jeremy C. Oliver

“Kak Masoud…. I have to say, Airport taxi was nice, but I was expecting a greeting of 100’s of up armored Land Cruisers….”…… Yeah….. “Kak John, we were expecting full U.S. support for Independence”…. “Life is like a box of Chocolates…. you never know what you’re gonna get”