MESOP : ALL HEVAL’S ARE COMING FOR A GIANT MEETING IN KRAUTLAND – More Turkey’s Kurds are seeking asylum in Germany amid conflict

August 7, 2016 MESOP –  BERLIN,— Asylum requests from Turkish citizens, mostly Kurds fleeing to Germany, are on the rise in the wake of the recent failed coup attempt and renewed military operations in the southeastern Kurdish cities of Turkey, the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) has said.

Recent figures released by BAMF have revealed the number of Turkish citizens almost doubled this year.Government statistics state during the first half of this year there have already been 1,767 Turkish citizens seeking asylum in Germany, while last year 1,719 Turkish citizens requested asylum.According to government statistics, 1,510 of the Turkish citizens requesting asylum in Germany were of Kurdish origin. The rise in the flow of migrants to Germany comes amid tensions over the Turkey-EU migrant deal