Duran Kalkan: Political oligarchy restrains a solution to the Kurdish problem
03 October 2012 – ANF – KCK Executive Council Member Duran Kalkan on recent developments in Turkey and Kurdistan. Kurdish Communities Union (KCK) Executive Council Member Duran Kalkan spoke to ANF about the recent developments in Kurdistan and Turkey.
Referring to Prime Minister’s recent statement at the AKP Congress on 30 September when he said that “I cannot solve this heavy Kurdish problem on my own”, Kalkan said that the government must now deal with and present a solution to Turkey’s basic problems which he defined as the issues of democratization and the Kurdish problem. “Turkey will remain in the midst of war, conflict, bloodshed and poverty and it will never achieve to ensure peace, unity and a free and democratic life without finding a solution to these two basic problems”, underlined Kalkan and remarked that this truth now apparently imposes itself on the country. Kalkan in this respect mentioned Turkish authorities’ agreement on the necessity to finish the PKK to end the problem and added; “However, the PKK resistance in 2012 has shown that the organization is now stronger and closely affiliated with the Kurdish people, their leader, democratic politics and all patriotic powers of Kurdistan than ever. The AKP government talks about plans for the year 2023 but it will not be possible for it to take any steps without ensuring a solution to the Kurdish problem which stands as the most dynamic and alive problem in the country in the current situation.”
Kalkan stated that the AKP government has neither power nor policy for a solution and that it therefore accuses the PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party), BDP (Peace and Democracy Party), CHP (Republican People’s Party) and MHP (Nationalist Movement Party) for not making a contribution on the way to a solution.
Kalkan remarked that the current environment in Turkey is the most convenient and favorable one so far to bring the Kurdish issue to a solution and noted that Kurds already have the political, military, organizational and ideological sufficiency and unity needed for a solution. On the other hand, added Kalkan, “The Turkish society also asks for a solution and peace now and the return of Kurds’ democratic rights as they have recognized the Kurdish reality with the ongoing war which has greatly harmed them so far and now makes them ask for a brotherly living with the Kurdish people in a free and democratic environment.”
Kalkan pointed out that it is the Turkish political authority that constitutes an obstacle to democratization and a solution to the Kurdish problem and noted that it is however the same political authority that is supposed to ensure these two basic needs. “It is the political and bureaucratic oligarchy that restrains a solution to these vital problems and is leaded by the AKP government itself. Nobody will prevent the AKP in the event of its agreeing on the return of national democratic rights of Kurds”, added Kalkan.