CONVINCING STEPS TO PEACE ? – Iran to send Kurdish youth to Syria to fight
15.01.2014 – Bestun Kakayi – BasNews (IRAN): Iran has put a plan in place to send Iranian Kurdish youth to Syria to fight against Syrian opposition militants.
According to BasNews, Iranian army generals have called on youth from Kurdish regions of Iran to help the Assad regime by going to fight against the opposition forces in Syria for a few months instead of doing the two year compulsory military service in Iran.
In Sanandaj, a Kurdish city in western Iran, an army general by the name of Ali Bamenishin has told Kurdish youth that if they go to Syria and help fight alongside the Syrian regime they would not have to complete the compulsory military service upon their return. In Kermanshah, another Kurdish city in Iran, local authorities have told parents with young boys that if they send them to Syria they would be given good compensation in return.Since the Syrian crisis began in 2011, the Iranian regime has been the strongest supporter of the Assad regime and there have reports that the Iranian military has aided the besieged Syrian Army in their fight against opposition forces.