Aydar (PKK) : Sinjar, Dersim & Botan should govern themselves (… under the umbrella of PKK)

NORTH KURDISTAN (TURKEY) –  MESOP : The piece by piece takeover by the PKK – what was not won in free elections – is obtained by militant occupation

ANF – OSLO 25.01.2015 – KCK (Kurdistan Communities Union) Executive Council member Zübeyir Aydar who evaluated the latest developments in Kurdistan at a meeting in the Kurdistan Cultural Association in Oslo said: “Sinjar is part of Kurdistan and we want the people of Sinjar to govern themselves.” Aydar also called for the National Congress to assemble.

In response to a question from a young person from Sulaymaniyah as to whether a canton had been declared in Sinjar, Aydar said: “People displaced from their homes in Sinjar have established an assembly made up of people they have chosen. A canton has not been declared, but Sinjar is part of Kurdistan and we want the people of Sinjar to govern themselves. We also want this for the people of Dersim and Botan. We are not dividing Kurdistan. There is only one movement active in all four parts of Kurdistan and that is us.” Aydar added that there were always those in whichever part who could not stomach the success of the Kurds, and took every opportunity to attack them, giving the example of clashes between Syrian forces and the YPG in Haseke, pointing to Iranian involvement. “Iran is influential in Syria. The Kurds’ gains in Rojava are discomfiting the Iranians and they are doing all they can to weaken Rojava,” he said. Aydar concluded by saying it was necessary for the National Congress to assemble in order for there to be a national army, common flag and joint diplomacy, adding that as a movement they were working towards this.