ERBIL-Hewlêr, – 29.11.2012 – : The Ministry of Peshmerga (Kurdistan guard forces) announced Wednesday, a draft agreement with the Iraqi Ministry of Defense to resolve the crisis on the disputed areas, notably to review the decisions of forming Dijla operations in Kirkuk province.
According to a statement issued by the Ministry of Peshmerga on the content of the meeting of the Supreme Action Committee between it and the Iraqi Ministry of Defense last night “the delegation of Kurdistan Region has provided a work letter that included 14 points during the meeting, where they discussed a lot in this regard.”The statement added that “most of the points have been adopted after an exchange of views between the two sides, as it was decided to adopt these points through the draft agreement to submit it to the Supreme Ministerial Committee for approval at today’s meeting, which is scheduled to be attended by both the minister of Peshmerga and Interior in the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) with Interior and Defense ministers in the Federal Government of Iraq and the Iraqi National Security Advisor. “
Below are the main points of the draft agreement mentioned by the statement:
1- The terms and mechanisms for joint action and joint action committees in the disputed areas in Kurdistan region remains as it is, action mechanisms between the federal government forces and KRG must be activated.
2- Organizing meetings of all action joint committees as there will be regular meetings each month, if needed it must be increased, especially meetings of the Supreme action Committee.
3- Meeting places must be organized and coordinating these meetings by the General Command of the Armed Forces as a responsible for coordinating the work of the committees and special supreme action committee.
4- Following the work and decisions of the joint action committees and punishing any person and any entity that violates the agreements, resolutions and agenda items.
5- Punishing any person or entity that passes false information to the higher authorities in order to create dissension and problems from in any position.
6- Informing the Supreme Commission with any problem that may take place in the disputed areas in urgent and immediate way and the Commission work to contain and overcome it.
7- Respect the Convention and punish any order or any official or any person who violates it.
8- Developing urgent and rapid mechanism to withdraw all forces and units that have been brought by the parties after 11/16/2012, as withdrawing the troops must be genuine and transparent and under the control of the members of the Supreme action Committee and after approval of the Higher Ministerial Committee.
9- Reviewing the decisions of the formation of the operations leaders in the regions, especially Dijla leadership and return security powers in Kirkuk to the police and security forces and the Interior Ministry.